Whitsbury Village

Resolving Whitsbury Problems

We all want to keep the village as a safe pleasant environment for us all to live in. Unfortunately as things age they can sometimes degrade or fail and maintenance is required to keep them in good condition. When we see that something has an issue it is not always easy to find out:

If you see a problem in Whitsbury regarding roads, potholes, footpaths, trees, flooding or drainage there are a number of ways of getting the problem logged and resolved. Hampshire County Council (HCC) has various reporting systems which we can connect into to report issues and get help.

Individuals can independently report items through the HCC online system or you can raise something at admin@whitsbury.com  and we will make sure it gets reported.

Hampshire County Council online system can be accessed here:

Currently reports have been raised with Hampshire county Council for the following:

Date Ref Description
04/01/23 21637427 Road markings near gallops, incorrectly marked lines at last painting are becoming visible and priority is therefore confusing.

HCC agree action needed - Passed to contractor
07/01/23 21638387 Blocked road surface drain outside stables - Completely full of dirt and detritis

HCC agree action needed - Passed to contractor
08/01/23 21638611 Blocked road surface drain outside Herrington Cottage - Completely full of dirt and detritis

HCC agree action needed - Passed to contractor
    Pothole outside the lodge